





2012.03-2016.06 国防科技大学电子科学与工程学院 信息与通信工程专业 工学博士学位

2014.10-2015.10 意大利那不勒斯费德里克二世大学信息与通信工程系 国家公派联合培养博士生

2009.09-2011.12 国防科技大学电子科学与工程学院 信息与通信工程专业 工学硕士学位

2005.09-2009.06 国防科技大学电子科学与工程学院 通信工程专业 工学学士学位


2023.06-至今 威廉希尔william hill/人工智能学院 副教授

2016.07-2022.12 中国人民武装警察部队警官学院信息通信系 教员

2020.03-2022.03 中山大学电子与通信工程学院 博士后






[1] Xu Cheng, Linlong Wu, Domenico Ciuonzo and Wei Wang*. Joint Design of Horizontal and Vertical Polarization Waveforms for Polarimetric Radar Via SINR Maximization, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2023, 59(3): 3313-3328, doi: 10.1109/TAES.2022.3223887. SCI检索

[2] L. Wu, X. Cheng*, H. Huang, D. Ciuonzo, B. Shankar and B. Ottersten, "Constant-Modulus Waveform Design With Polarization-Adaptive Power Allocation in Polarimetric Radar," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, doi: 10.1109/TSP.2023.3282705. SCI检索

[3] Fulai Wang, Xiang-Gen Xia, Chen Pang, Xu Cheng*, Yongzhen Li, and Xuesong Wang. Joint Design Methods of Unimodular Sequences and Receiving Filters with Good Correlation Properties and Doppler Tolerance, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023, 61:1-14, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2022.3233094.SCI检索

[4] Xu Cheng, Domenico Ciuonzo, Pierluigi Salvo Rossi, Xiaodong Wang, Wei Wang. Multi-bit & Sequential Decentralized Detection of a Noncooperative Moving Target Through a Generalized Rao Test [J], IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, 2021, 7: 740-753, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TSIPN.2021.3126930.SCI检索

[5] Xu Cheng, Domenico Ciuonzo, and Pierluigi Salvo Rossi. Multibit Decentralized Detection Through Fusing Smart & Dumb Sensors Based on Rao Test [J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2020, 56(2): 1391-1404, doi:10.1109/TAES.2019.2936777. (SCI检索)

[6] Xu Cheng, Augusto Aubry, Domenico Ciuonzo, Antonio De Maio, Xuesong Wang. Robust waveform and filter bank design of polarimetric radar [J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2017, 53(1): 370-384, doi: 10.1109/TAES.2017.2650619. SCI检索

[7] Xu Cheng, Longfei Shi, Yuliang Chang, Yongzhen Li and Xuesong Wang. A novel polarimetric detector for target detection in heterogeneous clutter [J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronic Technology, 2016, 27(6): 1135141, doi: 10.21629/JSEE.2016.06.01SCI检索

[8] Xu Cheng, Yong-zhen Li, and Xue-song Wang, Antenna Polarization Optimization for Target Detection in Non-Gaussian Clutter, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2015: 640730, doi: 10.1155/2015/640730SCI检索

[9] Xu Cheng, Longfei Shi, Yuliang Chang, Yongzhen Li, and Xuesong Wang. Target scattering estimation in clutter with polarization optimization [J]. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2015, 2015(1):1-12, doi: 10.1186/s13634-015-0286-y. SCI检索

[10] Y. Yao, F. Shu, Z. Li, X. Cheng and L. Wu, Secure Transmission Scheme Based on Joint Radar and Communication in Mobile Vehicular Networks [J], IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3271452. SCI检索

[11] Y. Yao, F. Shu, X. Cheng, H. Liu, P. Miao and L. Wu, Automotive Radar Optimization Design in a Spectrally Crowded V2I Communication Environment, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3264507. SCI检索

[12] Y. Yao, J. Zhao, Z. Li, X. Cheng and L. Wu, Jamming and Eavesdropping Defense Scheme Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning in Autonomous Vehicle Networks, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 18, pp. 1211-1224, 2023, doi: 10.1109/TIFS.2023.3236788. SCI检索

[13] 王伟, 李梦良, 王福来, 饶彬, 程旭*. 一种抗间歇采样转发干扰的全极化雷达发射波形优化方法[J]. 电子与信息学报. doi: 10.11999/JEIT221469. EI检索

[14] 黄广佳,程旭,饶彬等.基于广义Rao检验的单/多比特MIMO雷达运动目标检测方法[J/OL].系统工程与电子技术:2023, 1-12. EI检索

[15] 孙挺, 程旭. 信号相关杂波背景中极化雷达发射波形优化[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2021, 43(5): 1275-1281, doi: 10.11999/JEIT200138. EI检索

[16] Xu Cheng, Zixin Zhou, Lianling Zhou, Guolong Cui, and Wei Wang. Robust Waveform and Filter Bank Design of Polarimetric Radar under Local Waveform Constraints [C]. 2021 CIE International Conference on Radar (Radar), Haikou, Hainan, China, 2021, pp. 1676-1680, doi: 10.1109/Radar53847.2021.10028314. EI检索

[17] Xu Cheng, Linlong Wu, Tong Wei, Domenico Ciuonzo, and Wei Wang. Transmit Signal Design for Polarimetric Radars under Local Waveform Constraints [C]. 2021 CIE International Conference on Radar (Radar), Haikou, Hainan, China, 2021, pp. 1209-1213, doi: 10.1109/Radar53847.2021.10027921. EI检索

[18] Xu Cheng, Domenico Ciuonzo, Pierluigi Salvo Rossi, Xiaodong Wang, Longfei Shi. Multi-bit decentralized detection of a non-cooperative moving target through a generalized Rao test [C]. 2020 IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM) , Hangzhou, China, June 10-13, 2020EI检索

[19] Mengxin Yuan, Xu Cheng, Jing Zhang, Xiaodong Tan. Adaptive Waveform Design of Polarimetric Radar for Extended Targets in Signal-Dependent Clutter[C]. WAINA 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 927. Springer, Cham, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-15035-8_1. EI检索

[20] Xu Cheng, Domenico Ciuonzo, and Pierluigi Salvo Rossi. Multi-bit Decentralized Detection of a Weak Signal in Wireless Sensor Networks with a Rao test [C]. Proceeding of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Shanghai, China, 2018.11.23-26.EI检索

[21] 孙挺, 程旭. 一种基于全极化回波的微多普勒增强算法[J]. 电子学报, 2017(09):18-23. EI检索

[22] Xu Cheng, Augusto Aubry, Domenico Ciuozo, Antonio De Maio, Yongzhen Li, and Xuesong Wang. Optimizing polarimetric radar waveform and filter bank for extended targets in clutter. 2016 IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2016, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/SAM.2016.7569683.EI检索

[23] 程旭, 李永祯, 徐振海, et al. 基于H/α极化分解的弹道目标鉴别[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, 2015, 37(11):2425-2431.EI检索

[24] Xu Cheng, Jin Liu, Bin Rao, Yuliang Chang, Yongzhen Li. Joint polarization for micro-Doppler signature enhancement[C]. EuRAD. 2013. EI检索

[25] 李永祯,李棉全,程旭,王雪松. 雷达极化测量体制研究综述[J]. 系统工程与电子技术. 2013, 35(9): 1873-1877. EI检索

[26] 程旭,刘进,王雪松,戴幻尧.微多普勒特征提取中的时频分布选择[J]. 应用科学学,2011,29(4):397~403.EI检索

[27] Cheng Xu, Liu Yong, Li Yongzhen, Wang Xuesong. Ballistic target discrimination based on polarimetric entropy[C]. Proceeding of 2011 IEEE CIE international conference on radar,2011.10,Chengdu,China:1390~1394.EI检索

[28] 程旭,李永祯,王雪松,肖顺平. 空间进动目标宽带极化相关特性研究[J]. 雷达科学与技术, 2015(4): 425~432. 中文核心

[29] 程旭, 李永祯, 王雪松. 弹道中段目标极化相关性分析. 雷达科学与技术, 2013,11(2):159-164. 中文核心

[30] 李永祯,程旭,李棉全,王雪松. 极化信息在雷达目标检测中的得益分析[J].现代雷达. 2013, 35(2): 35-39. 中文核心

[31] 李永祯;胡万秋;程旭;宗志伟;王雪松. 相干两点源角欺骗干扰的极化鉴别方法研究. 2013, 34(9):1078-1083. 中文核心

[32] 程旭,马梁,李永祯,王雪松. 弹道中段目标极化特征可分性研究[J]. 雷达科学与技术, 2011.5(9):457~463. 中文核心

[33] 程旭,袁梦鑫,周梓鑫,饶彬,王伟. 杂波环境中全极化雷达波形优化设计[C].录用于第15届全国雷达学术年会, 广州, 2020.12.18-20.


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